Citizen Mistaken for Terrorist Who Was Shot by Soldiers Succumbs to Wounds

By Hamodia Staff

Yuval Doron Castleman, z”l.

Yuval Doron Castleman, 38 years old, an attorney at the Civil Service Commission from Mevaseret Zion who responded heroically to the terrorist attack in Yerushalayim on Thursday morning was mistaken to be one of the terrorists by soldiers at the scene and accidently shot and seriously wounded.

Yuval Doron, who had served in the security forces in the past, was driving to work in Kiryat Shvart when he noticed the terrorists shooting on the other side of the road, and he pulled his car over to neutralize the terrorists.

He was rushed to the hospital where doctors worked throughout the day to try and save his life, but he succumbed to his wounds on Thursday evening.

Thursday was his birthday both on the Jewish and secular calendars.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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