Ceasefire to Continue Thursday, 8 Israelis to Be Released

By Matis Glenn

Israeli soldiers seen at a staging area near the Israeli-Gaza border, Wednesday. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Israel agreed Thursday to extend its ceasefire with the Hamas terror group for a seventh day.

Unlike the previous two days of the extended ceasefire in which Hamas had freed 10 Israeli hostages, the terrorists have agreed to free only 8 on Thursday night, arguing that the 2 Russian-Israeli citizens it released on Wednesday as a “good will” gesture to Russian President Vladimir Putin should count towards the quota.

Israel said it had received a list at the last minute of those who would go free on Thursday, allowing it to call off plans to resume fighting at dawn.

“In light of the mediators’ efforts to continue the process of releasing the hostages and subject to the terms of the framework, the operational pause will continue,” the IDF military said in a statement, released minutes before the truce was due to expire.

Hamas also said the truce would continue for a seventh day.

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