Teenagers Arrested in Germany for Planning Terrorist Attacks

By Hamodia Staff

German police officers walk towards the Islamic Center Hamburg due to suspicion of members supporting the Islamic terrorists groups, in Hamburg, Germany. (Reuters/Fabian Bimmer/File)

Prosecutors in Duesseldorf announced that a 15-year-old boy and his 16-year-old accomplice were arrested in the eastern German state of Brandenburg for allegedly were planning a terror attack, German news agency dpa reported.

A court in Leverkusen ordered the suspect to be held in custody pending a possible indictment. The two teenagers were arrested after allegedly discussing carrying out an attack on “infidels.”

The 15-year-old allegedly named a shul and a holiday market as possible targets, and they were taken into custody when they announced on social media that they intended to wage a “holy war” and launch an attack on December 1.

The Bundesnachrichtendienst (Federal Intelligence Service/FSI) has reported that after the October 7 attack by Hamas terrorists in southern Israel, the number of threats in the country have escalated.

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