IDF Eliminates 3 Terrorists in Gaza Who Violated Ceasefire Rules

By Hamodia Staff

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90/File)

Three terrorists who violated the rules of the ceasefire in Gaza and posed a threat to IDF troops were killed by Israeli troops.

“The IDF troops are prepared along the operational pause lines in Gaza,” , IDF Spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said. “Today, the troops killed three terrorists that violated the conditions of the operational pause, and posed a threat to our forces.

“Yesterday I reported an additional violation. During the night, we investigated the incident with forces against whom the pause was violated and understood that our forces operated against the terrorists that threw explosive charges towards them.”

In a warning to any terrorists who may consider actions against the soldiers, Hagari cautioned them saying, “The IDF troops operate with determination, and will continue to do so, against every danger to our forces.”

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