ZIM Shipping to Reroute Away From Red and Arabian Seas


ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. has announced the implementation of temporary proactive measures aimed at ensuring the safety of its crews, vessels, and customers’ cargo. This comes in light of the threat to the secure transit of global trade in the Arabian and Red Seas. Consequently, ZIM is rerouting some of its vessels.

Acknowledging the potential impact of these measures, ZIM anticipates longer transit times. However, the company is working to minimize any disruptions. In reaffirming its commitment to serving the East Mediterranean and Israeli ports, ZIM assures stakeholders that operations to and from these ports will be maintained with the utmost consideration for safety protocols.

The decision to reroute vessels was made after extensive consultation between ZIM’s management and senior Israeli defense officials. Recent attacks on Israeli-owned vessels in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea by Iranian-backed groups prompted this response.

While specific details about the extended transit times were not disclosed, international shipping lines have indicated that the longer route could add up to 18 days to sailings. Notably, this adjustment may have repercussions on the shipping of vehicles from China, Japan, and Korea to Israel, effectively doubling the journey time from East Asia.

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