U.S. House of Representatives Overwhelmingly Passes Bi-Partisan Resolution Affirming Israel’s Right to Exist

By Hamodia Staff

Chamber of the House of Representatives.

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H. Res. 888, a resolution submitted by Rep. Mike Lawler (R-NY) affirming Israel’s right to exist, by a majority of 412 to 1.

The only Congressman to vote against the resolution was Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY), citing that he would not vote for it since the language in the legislation equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

“I agree with the title ‘Reaffirming the State of Israel’s Right to Exist’ and much of the language, but I’m voting No on the resolution because it equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism. Antisemitism is deplorable, but expanding it to include criticism of Israel is not helpful,” he said.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), the “Squad” member who was censured by the House for her anti-Israel rhetoric, voted “present”. Tlaib had voted against a House resolution last month which expressed support for Israel in its war against Hamas.

Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), a member of the “Squad” did not vote on the resolution at all.

The resolution states that “the House of Representatives:

(1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist;

(2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism;

(3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and

(4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel.”

Congressman Mike Lawler addressing the House of Representatives about his resolution affirming Israel’s right to exist.

After the vote, Lawler said, “Tonight, the House of Representatives, in an overwhelming and bipartisan fashion, unequivocally reaffirmed Israel’s right to exist in the face of an unprecedented wave of hate against it. President Truman recognized Israel 11 minutes after its founding, and for 75 years America has remained steadfast in our support for Israel. I’m proud that 210 Republicans and 202 Democrats set aside our differences and came together to show support for our closest ally in the Middle East.”

“Israel is the only multicultural, multi-ethnic, multi-racial, and multi-religious democracy in the Middle East. They are a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity. Tonight, Congress reaffirmed our support for the state of Israel, their right to exist, and the right of the Jewish people to live peacefully in their native land,” Congressman Lawler concluded.

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