12 Hostages, Including 10 Israelis and 2 Thai, Arrive in Israel Tuesday Evening

By Hamodia Staff

IDF has reported that 12 hostages have been transferred to the Red Cross. The hostages that were released include 10 Israeli hostages and two foreign nationals.

Red Cross representatives then transferred the 12 hostages to Egypt, and the convoy carrying the released hostages made its way through Egypt to the meeting point with our soldiers at Kerem Shalom.

Security representatives verified the identity of the released hostages at the meeting point.

After an initial medical assessment, the released hostages will continue to be accompanied by IDF soldiers as they make their way to Israeli hospitals, where they will be reunited with their families.

The families of the hostages are being updated by IDF representatives with the latest available information.

The Israeli hostages include:

Tamar Metzger (age 78) – Ditza Hayman (84 years old), Norlin Babdila (age 60), Ada Sagi (age 75), Ophelia Edith Roitman (age 77), Rimon Kirsht (36 years old), Merav Tal (53 years old), Gabriela Leimberg (59 years old), Mia Leimberg (17 years old) and Clara Marman (63 years old).

Damian Roitman, whose mother Ophelia Edith Roitman was released tonight, said, “I’m sure she would have preferred the Bibas family (with 10 month old Kfir, 4 year old Ariel, and their parents, 43 year old Yarden and 32 year old Shiri) to be released tonight instead, even at the price of staying there.”

Hamas has reportedly said the the Bibas family had been handed over to another terrorist organization (presumably PFLP) and is situated in Khan Yunis at this time.

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