White House, Qatar Say Israel Has Agreed to Extending Ceasefire in Gaza

By Matis Glenn

Israeli soldiers seen near the Israeli-Gaza border, southern Israel, November 27, 2023. (Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The White House and Qatar announced Monday afternoon that Israel has agreed to extending its ceasefire in Gaza against the Hamas terror group.

A White House official said that Israel has agreed to extend the four-day ceasefire by an additional two days, in exchange for the release of 20 additional hostages held by Hamas. Besides the ceasefire, Israel will free 60 Palestinian prisoners arrested by Israel for commiting or attempting terrorism.

Israel has not confirmed the report.

Qatar, along with Egypt, has been mediating between Israel and Hamas for several weeks. Israel has received three waves of hostage Israeli women and children, as well as foreign nationals, in exchange for a ceasefire and the release of 150 teenaged or female Palestinian terrorists.

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