Teens Wanted for Shabbos Hate Crime Assaults in Flatbush

By Matis Glenn

A group of teenagers allegedly attacked four identifiably Jewish people on Shabbos in separate incidents after yelling “Free Palestine” and hurling antisemitic insults.

In surveillance video obtained by Shomrim, the group of four suspects, believed to be in their high teens, are seen assaulting three Jewish men.

In a fourth incident, one of the assailants knocked a man’s hat off of his head.

All of the incidents occurred between 3 and 4 p.m. Shabbos afternoon, between Avenues J and L, on East 16, 17 and 18th Streets. In one horrific incident, a suspect wearing a red outfit kicked and punched a Jewish man.

None of the victims required emergency medical attention.

Shomrim tells Hamodia that the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is taking the matter very seriously, and are searching for the suspects.

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