Prime Minister Netanyahu Speaks With President Biden After Third Release of Hostages

By Hamodia Staff

Prime Minister Netanyahu meeting with IDF troops in Gaza on Sunday, November 26, 2023. (Avi Ohayon/GPO)

In a statement released after the third group of hostages were returned to Israel by Hamas terrorists in exchange for convicted prisoners, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement in which he discussed his conversation with President Biden, as well as his sentiments about the release of Avigail Edan, a four-year-old girl with American citizenship.

“I have just spoken with President Biden with great emotion, also over the little Avigail, of course,” Netanyahu said in his statement. “What a joy it is to see her with us. But, on the other hand, how sad it is that she is returning to a reality in which she has no parents. She has no parents – but she has an entire nation that embraces her, and we will take care of all her needs.

The prime minister also mentioned that there is an outline for exchange for an of an additional day of pause in the fighting in Gaza for each day in which ten hostages are released by the Hamas terrorists.

“At the same time, I also told President Biden that at the end of the outline, we will go to realizing our goals with full force: Eliminating Hamas, ensuring that Gaza will not go back to being what it was and – of course – releasing all of our hostages,” the prime minister stated.

Netanyahu, who was in Gaza on Sunday, said that he met with brave and heroic soldiers, reservists and conscripts, who had “fire in their eyes,” and he is convinced that “we will succeed in this mission – because we have no other choice.”

The White House released a statement about the talk between Biden and Netanyahu in which it stressed the need for more humanitarian aid to be allowed to enter Gaza.

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