Netanyahu in the Gaza Strip: ‘We Will Continue Until the End’

By Yoni Weiss

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu toured the Gaza Strip on Sunday, receiving security briefings, conversing with commanders and soldiers, and visiting one of the exposed Hamas terror tunnels.

Also present during the visit were Netanyahu’s chief of staff, Tzachi Braverman, IDF Southern Command Chief, Major General Tzachi Hanegbi, the Prime Minister’s Military Secretary, Major General Avi Gil, and Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Amir Baram.

Netanyahu said: “We’re here in the Gaza Strip with our brave fighters. We’re making every effort to bring our captives back, and ultimately, we’ll bring them all back. We have three objectives in this war: to eradicate Hamas, to retrieve all our captives, and to ensure Gaza no longer poses a threat to the State of Israel.

“I’m here to tell the friends here, the fighters here, who tell me the same things, and I return to say it to you, citizens of Israel: we continue until the end – until victory. Nothing will stop us, and we are convinced that we have the power, the strength, the will, and the determination to achieve all the war’s goals, and so we shall.”

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