IDF Kills 5 Terrorists in Jenin Operation

By Yoni Weiss

A Palestinian checks the damage in a street in the aftermath of an Israeli raid in Jenin, on Sunday. (REUTERS/Raneen Sawafta)

In an overnight counterterror operation, the IDF announced on Sunday morning the elimination of five Palestinian terrorists and the destruction of an explosives laboratory in the Jenin refugee camp, targeting members of the terror group Hamas.

The IDF reported that the five terrorists were killed during shootouts with soldiers. An airstrike was executed to neutralize a squad of terrorists that posed a threat to soldiers, and who were subsequently captured.

Among the 29 wanted Palestinians arrested, Osama Bani Fadl, a Hamas member, was apprehended. Bani Fadl is suspected of murdering Shay Silas Nigreker, 60, and his 28-year-old son Aviad Nir, Hy”d, in the Palestinian village of Huwara in August.

During the operation, IDF soldiers seized two weapons, a substantial amount of ammunition, explosive charges, and military equipment inside the camp. Additionally, two observation posts, used by terrorists to monitor Israeli movements, were destroyed. Combat engineering vehicles also uncovered improvised explosive devices placed beneath the roads.

Since the commencement of the conflict in Gaza, approximately 2,000 wanted terrorists have been captured in raids across Yehudah and Shomron. Of these, around 1,100 are affiliated with the Hamas terror group.

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