Hamas Violates Ceasefire Terms, Separates 4 Families in Hostage Release

By Yoni Weiss

Soldiers and Sheba workers wait for the arrival of released Israeli hostages at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, Motzoei Shabbos. (Tomer Neuberg/Flash90)

Hamas breached the ceasefire terms by splitting up four families during the Motzoei Shabbos hostage release, prompting Israel to reconsider negotiation methods.

Despite the release of 12-year-old Hila Rotem, her mother, Raya, remains in Gaza. Similarly, 21-year-old Maya Regev was freed without her 18-year-old brother, Itai. Adi Shoham, 38, along with her children Naveh (8) and Yahel (3), were released without their husband and father, Tal. Additionally, Noam (17) and Alma (13) Or were released without their father, Dror.

This development followed a lengthy delay that threatened to undermine the temporary ceasefire. Originally scheduled for release at 4:00 p.m., Hamas deferred the exchange, citing Israel’s alleged failure to comply with the terms regarding aid truck access to northern Gaza and the release of Palestinian security prisoners.

The initial group of 13 Israeli women and children was released on Friday as part of the ceasefire deal, marking 49 days since Hamas terrorists kidnapped them and around 230 others during the Oct. 7 attack on southern Israel.

The hostages released on Friday were Doron Katz-Asher (34), Aviv Asher (2), Raz Asher (4), Danielle Aloni (45), Emilia Aloni (5), Ruth Monder (78), Keren Monder (54), Ohad Monder (9), Adina Moshe (72), Channa Katzir (76), Margalit Mozes (77), Chana Perry (79), and Yaffa Adar (85).

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