Hamas Releases Dual Israeli-Russian Citizen Held Hostage

By Yoni Weiss

The Hamas terror group on Sunday afternoon released an Israeli-Russian dual citizen taken hostage from Gaza, it said, confirmed by Russia’s TASS news agency.

Hamas said the move comes “in response to the efforts of Russian President Vladimir Putin and in appreciation of the Russian position in support of the Palestinian cause.”

TASS cited Hamas as saying that the hostage has been already handed over to the Red Cross.

Meanwhile, a delegation of relatives of hostages held by Hamas with Russian citizenship has left Israel for a five-day visit to Russia. The families are expected to meet on Tuesday with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, who is also the special representative of Putin for Middle Eastern affairs.

The delegation is expected to meet with Russia’s Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, and on Wednesday or Thursday, the families are slated to meet with representatives of the Russian Parliament’s upper house.

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