200 Trucks of Aid Enter Gaza as Third Group of Hostages Faces Uncertainty

By Yoni Weiss

Aid trucks move on a road as Palestinians look on, during a temporary truce between Hamas and Israel, in Rafah, Nov. 25. (REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Two hundred trucks carrying humanitarian aid entered the Gaza Strip Sunday, with some of the supplies heading for the northern part of the Strip. The trucks were checked by Israeli authorities at the Nitzana crossing with Egypt before heading to Egypt’s Rafah crossing to enter Gaza.

Dozens of the trucks and six ambulances are heading for the northern Gaza Strip, including to areas that have not been evacuated, with the approval of Israel, said the Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT).

The aid — including food, water, and medical supplies — is entering the Strip as part of the temporary truce between Israel and the Hamas terror group, mediated by Egypt and Qatar. As part of the agreement, some 50 children and women held hostage in Gaza are to be released.

An Israeli official estimates that, ultimately, the third group of hostages will be released later Sunday, but not before another round of disputes with Hamas.

The matter might lead to a delay in the release of the hostages, like the day before, the official said.

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