Released Hostages Share Varied Experiences From Hamas Captivity

By Yoni Weiss

A convoy of vehicles carrying hostages abducted by Hamas terrorists arrives through the border crossing with Gaza, Friday evening. (Al Qahera News/Reuters)

Some of the first group of the Israeli hostages, liberated on Friday afternoon, shared their individual stories with their communities, highlighting diverse experiences during their time in Hamas captivity. Contrary to initial reports, not all the hostages were held together, leading to distinct and unique narratives among them.

According to Channel 12, the hostages recounted a harrowing journey to the Rafah crossing, where they faced a barrage of rocks and objects hurled at them. Fearing a potential lynching, they expressed grave concerns for their safety while being escorted to freedom.

During their captivity, the hostages mentioned that in the last fortnight all their food had been finished, leaving them surviving solely on rice and resulting in weight loss. Chana Katzir, previously reported as dead by Islamic Jihad during her captivity, was indeed released on Friday. Upon returning to Israel, she tragically discovered the loss of her husband, Rami, Hy”d, and the abduction of her son.

Ruth Munder, 78, who was also released on Friday, returned to distressing news. She was informed that her husband, Avraham, was being held captive by Hamas, and her son, Ro’ee, Hy”d, had been killed. Overwhelmed, she expressed anguish, saying, “I don’t know what they did to him or how they took his life.”

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