Palestinian Factions Kill Alleged Collaborators in Tulkarem

By Yoni Weiss

Palestinians inspect the damage from an IDF raid in Tulkarem, on Wednesday. (Nasser Ishtayeh/Flash90)

Reports from Tulkarem indicate that amidst the jubilation surrounding the release of prisoners, two individuals allegedly accused of collaborating with Israeli forces faced execution by Palestinian factions. The allegations against them were linked to the purported involvement in the demise of three members affiliated with the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror groups earlier this month.

The accused men supposedly confessed in a recorded video, acknowledging their aid to the IDF. One individual claimed to have received approximately $4,500, while the other reportedly received around $2,677 in return for their actions.

“Resistance Security,” an entity involved, asserted, “There is no immunity for any informer or traitor. Anyone proven to be involved in the assassination of our fighters will face pursuit and a death sentence.”

Simultaneously, across the PA, celebrations unfolded as Palestinian security prisoners returned from Israeli jails in compliance with a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.

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