Foreign Ministry Condemns Belgian and Spanish Leaders’ Stance Supporting Hamas

By Aryeh Stern

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and his Belgian counterpart Alexander de Croo visit Kibbutz Be’eri, Thursday. (Borja Puig de la Bellacasa/Moncloa Palace/Handout via REUTERS)

During the release of the initial Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity on Friday afternoon, Belgium’s Prime Minister Alexander De Croo and Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez convened a joint press conference near the Egypt-Gaza border crossing, advocating for a lasting ceasefire.

Both leaders celebrated the arrival of humanitarian aid trucks into the Gaza Strip via the Rafah border crossing. They surprisingly urged Israel to halt its conflict with Hamas, the group responsible for the atrocity, deemed the most severe since the Holocaust.

In response to their remarks, Israel’s Foreign Ministry summoned the ambassadors of Belgium and Spain for a formal rebuke. Foreign Minister Eli Cohen condemned the leaders’ statements, denouncing their alleged support for terrorism.

“Israel vehemently condemns the baseless assertions made by the Prime Ministers of Spain and Belgium, which seemingly endorse terrorism,” stated Cohen. “Israel abides by international law and confronts a ruthless terrorist entity, surpassing even ISIS, known for its commission of war crimes and grave violations against humanity.”

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