Report: IDF Officer’s Hamas Infiltration Alerts Dismissed Despite Border Observers’ Backing

By Yoni Weiss

An aerial view shows members of the media during a visit to Kibbutz Kfar Aza, in the aftermath of a deadly attack by Hamas terrorists from the Gaza Strip, Oct. 15. (REUTERS/Ilan Rosenberg)

Despite a junior officer in the IDF’s elite 8200 intelligence unit issuing repeated warnings over the past year about a potential large-scale infiltration event planned by Hamas, her alerts were purportedly disregarded by her superiors. According to a report by Channel 12, the officer had forewarned her commanders about a scenario resembling the Oct. 7 incident but was met with skepticism and dismissal.

Additionally, recent testimonies from other observers stationed near the Gaza border unveiled a pattern of ignored concerns. These observers detailed months of alerting their superiors about conspicuous alterations in the area, including unusual gatherings, alterations in routine farmer behavior, and other signs signaling potential security threats.

Despite their diligence, their alerts allegedly fell on deaf ears. Even when one attempted to escalate concerns to a senior commander, they were met with discouragement and a dismissive stance.

The IDF spokesman’s response to the report: “These days, the IDF is working and fighting the murderous terrorist organization Hamas in the Gaza Strip. All commanders and soldiers are focused on this mission only, to complete the goals of the war. After the end of the war, a detailed and in-depth investigation will be conducted on the matter to clarify the details to the end.”

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