Gallant Foresees Prolonged Gaza Conflict, Vows to Dismantle Hamas Threat

By Yoni Weiss

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant visited the Sheitat 13 base on Thursday night, joining Navy Commander Major General David Sa’ar Selma and other unit leaders to assess their ongoing operations in the ongoing war.

Speaking to the soldiers, Galant expressed that at least two more months of fighting in Gaza can be expected.

“This will be a short respite after which the fighting will resume with intensity and pressure to bring back more hostages. At least two more months of fighting are expected.”

He commended the fighters for their efforts in countering Hamas terrorists in Gaza and emphasized the strategic plans to continue the operation.

During his interaction with the troops, Galant stressed the necessity of dismantling the Hamas terror group both in its leadership and field operatives.

“We are going to eliminate Hamas as a military and governmental framework. The chain of command needs to be eliminated, both those at the top, and the people in the field – the generals, as well as activists in the field,” Gallant said.

He highlighted the crucial role of applying pressure on Hamas, emphasizing that without this pressure, communication with them becomes nearly impossible, given their divergent priorities beyond prisoner release.

Addressing the gravity of the situation, Galant underscored the imperative of neutralizing the threat posed by Hamas to prevent further kidnappings and deaths.

“This is war, there is no choice. When you have 1,500 people kidnapped and killed, you must create a situation where you destroy the organization standing in front of you, otherwise you have no deterrence that will allow life, and you have no deterrence that will allow life in the Middle East. If Jewish blood becomes a wasteland then everyone does as they please, if it has a price that cannot be borne, we are treated with respect.”

Looking ahead, he projected intense fighting for the following months, indicating a series of operations crucial to neutralizing Gaza-based threats.

Galant said that he aimed for a scenario where Israel could act without fear of threats from the Gaza Strip.

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