Specific Details on How the Hostages Will be Released

By Matis Glenn

Israel sent notices Thursday to the families of the first 13 captives of the Hamas terror group set to be released Friday, detailing the procedure and timing of their return, reports Channel 12.

At 4 p.m., nine hours after Israel will engage in a ceasefire, the hostages will be given over to Red Cross workers, who will deliver them to Israeli authorities at the Rafah Crossing. IDF personnel will identify all of the victims by name according to the list of those set to be released.

At Rafah, the victims will undergo initial medical examinations, and will have the opportunity to speak by phone with their respective families. They will then be flown by helicopter to the Hatzerim military base before being sent to one of five medical centers across Israel, to special units that are prepared for them.

The Defense Ministry decided that adults would be questioned by authorities, but children will not be, in order to not burden them with more emotional trauma. Later on, child care professionals will interview the children with guidance from government agencies.

The Israeli government will discourage the released hostages from holding interviews with the media, but will not forbid it.

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