Kaddish for Every Kadosh

By Hamodia Staff

Scenes of houses destroyed when Hamas terrorists infiltrated Kibbutz Be’eri on Oct. 7, as seen Oct. 25.(Edi Israel/Flash90)

Ever since the heinous terror attack on Oct. 7, the Chessed Chaim Va’emes organization, which regularly supports bereaved families across the country, has accompanied over 700 families during this mourning period, including entire communities. One of the organization’s initial actions was setting up mourning tents for families from Kfar Azza who had moved to Kibbutz Shfayim. Additionally, the organization’s activists met with hundreds of bereaved families in their homes, took part in the seven and 30 days of mourning, and assisted families through this difficult period. So far, 848 civilian victims of the massacre have been identified and buried, along with 362 IDF soldiers, Hy”d. Several dozen casualties remain unidentified.

Dror David Amos, who founded the Chessed Chaim Va’emes organization, did so while still an officer in the IDF, from which he recently retired after 25 years. “What stood before me in establishing the organization was the IDF framework supporting the families of fallen soldiers and accompanying them. That was my vision, and in recent years, we’ve established a nationwide network that supports 8,000 families annually.”

Following the outbreak of the attack, the organization received support from Unity in Action, an initiative promoting the integration of religious Jews in social activities. Due to the organization’s expanded volunteer base and the establishment of two hotlines for families to receive funeral times and burial details from across the country, it has connected with families and communities, offering support not only through mourning rituals but also providing logistical and emotional assistance.

During their numerous visits nationwide, many families requested someone to recite Kaddish for their loved ones who were killed during this mourning year. “Requests came from every direction, and we see this as a great mitzvah and a significant mission to fulfill,” said the organization.

The organization reports that 375 individuals have already committed to saying Kaddish for the deceased throughout the year, and is appealing to the public to adopt 835 civilians and soldiers who have yet to have Kaddish said for them. “Those who undertake this responsibility will learn the life story of the deceased and carry with them the story of their life and death.”

Mrs. Ortal Blich, the widow of Lt. Col. Rafael Blich, Hy”d, who was killed while fighting in Be’eri, said, “A representative of Chessed Chaim Va’emes came to my home during our difficult moments. When I saw him, a chareidi man who came specifically to console and help, I realized that even though the house was full of policemen and the Defense Ministry was assisting in every way during the mourning period, I could only express my wish that someone say Kaddish for my husband to that person, and I could trust that everything would be done to fulfill it.

“‘My children are still young,’ I said to him. ‘I ask that you ensure that someone says Kaddish for their father.’… He promised to take care of it, and indeed, they established contact with me from the Chesed Chaim Va’emes organization that sent him, clarified his full name and his parents’ names, and assured me that someone would say Kaddish every day for the year. The fact that my husband will be remembered and that his heroic story will live on among the public is a personal and humane act that gives us comfort in these difficult times.”

Kaddish is a way of perpetuating memory over time; it helps us fight forgetfulness. A person who says Kaddish every day, in addition to the good deeds done in memory of the deceased throughout the year, will remember the deceased not only this year but throughout their life,” said Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, head of Nahoray Institutions, Brothers for the Defense initiative.

The organization invites citizens who wish to participate in the initiative, the largest commemoration project of the war, and to perform a chessed shel emes with the fallen and their families, to send an email to: kadish.lechol.kadosh@gmail.com or a message to: 972-55-2457730.

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