IDF Finds Weapons Under Beds of Hamas Member’s Children, as Well as 4 Deep Tunnels

By Yoni Weiss

The IDF announced Thursday that fighters from the Brigade 401 operating on the outskirts of the Gaza Strip’s Jabaliya have located four significant tunnels dug deep underground, as well as a stash of weapons hidden under the beds of a senior Hamas member’s children and in some of the closets.

The IDF said that the tunnels are connected to an electricity network and were used by the Hamas terror group. One of them was found in a search of the home of a different senior member of the terror group.

At the home of the first official, in addition to weapons, IDF troops also located many documents and battle plans, which have been handed to intelligence forces for examination.

The troops also found shafts used to launch rockets, alongside long-range rockets of the type used to target cities in central Israel.

“We have reached the heart of Hamas’s deployment,” said the brigade commander, Col. Benny Aharon.

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