Pictures Released of Houthis Hijacking Israel-Owned Cargo Ship in the Red Sea

By Matis Glenn

Yemenite news reports Monday revealed pictures and video of Houthi terrorists hijacking the Galaxy Leader cargo ship in the Red Sea on Sunday.

Saudi media outlets reported on Sunday that Yemeni Houthi rebels in the Red Sea have reportedly gained control over a cargo ship, partially owned by an Israeli businessman, holding captive its crew.

The Galaxy Leader sails under Bahama’s flag and has its home port in Nassau.

Hijackers hoisted a flag of Palestine and Yemen on the ship after the takeover.

Israel denied that any of its nationals were aboard the cargo ship. Officials accused Iran of being behind the action.

“We strongly condemn the Iranian attack against an international ship. The ship, owned by a British company and operated by a Japanese company, was hijacked on Iranian instructions by the Houthi militia in Yemen,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.

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