White House Denies Report That Hostage Deal Was Reached

By Yoni Weiss

Family members and friends of those held hostage by Hamas march towards Yerushalayim, on a road between Latrun and Yerushalayim, Friday. (REUTERS/Ilan Rosenberg)

Negotiations to release some of the hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, after the terrorist organization carried out during their brutal massacre on Oct. 7.

As part of the detailed, six-page agreement, all parties would freeze combat operations for at least five days while “an initial 50 or more hostages are released in smaller groups every 24 hours,” the Washington Post reported.

The White House, however, denied any such deal was reached “yet.”

“We have not reached a deal yet, but we continue to work hard to get a deal,” the White House National Security Council Spokesperson, Adrienne Watson, posted on social media in response to the Washington Post article.

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