Hamas Terror Tunnel Network Discovered Under Shifa Hospital

By Matis Glenn

The tunnel discovered underneath Shifa Hospital.

IDF soldiers discovered a tunnel used by Hamas terrorists underneath buildings in the Shifa Hospital complex Friday afternoon, exposing the terror group’s use of the hospital as a base for its murderous activities.

“Based on IDF and ISA intelligence, IDF troops exposed a 55-meter-long terror tunnel 10 meters deep underneath the Shifa Hospital complex,” a statement from the IDF read.

“A deep staircase led to the entrance of the tunnel shaft, which consists of various defense means including a blast-proof door and a firing hole. This type of door is used by the Hamas terrorist organization to block Israeli forces from entering the command centers and the underground assets belonging to Hamas.”

Numerous caches of weapons were discovered in the area as well.

“The tunnel shaft was uncovered in the area of the hospital underneath a shed alongside a vehicle containing numerous weapons including RPGs, explosives, and Kalashnikov rifles.

IDF and ISA forces are continuing to uncover the route of the tunnel.

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