IDF Confirms Shifa Hospital Evacuation

By Yoni Weiss

A bullet proof vest with a Hamas insignia that was found along with weapons in a medical closet at the MRI center at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City. (IDF via AP)

As tensions escalate, the IDF confirmed the evacuation of a substantial number of patients and staff from Gaza’s Shifa Hospital.

In a recorded conversation between an IDF officer and the hospital’s director, it was disclosed that most patients who were well enough to be moved and a significant portion of the medical staff have been relocated to safer locations.

The conversation highlighted the delicate situation, clarifying that only those considered too unwell to be evacuated remain within the hospital premises. Despite ongoing conflict, the IDF emphasized its commitment to coordinating further evacuations whenever a viable medical opportunity arises.

Amidst these actions, the IDF also made public their provision of substantial aid to the hospital, including 6,000 liters of water and over 2,300 kilograms of food, including essential supplies such as fish, canned goods, bread, spreads and dates. This disclosure aimed to counter claims suggesting that the evacuation was compelled by Israeli forces.

As far back as 2009, the Shin Bet reported during the Gaza war of that year that Hamas terrorists were hiding in the Shifa Hospital, and that the basement had become Hamas’ headquarters.

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