Gantz Vows Global Pursuit of Hamas Leaders

By Yoni Weiss

Backdropped by the city of Kiryat Shmonah, Minister Benny Gantz speaks to press as he tours the northern Galillee, Tuesday. (Ayal Margolin/Flash90)

Defense Minister Benny Gantz pledged to relentlessly pursue Hamas leaders both in Gaza and across the globe, affirming an uncompromising stance against those terrorists responsible for harming and murdering children.

In a Tel Aviv press briefing on Wednesday, Gantz emphasized Israel’s commitment to targeting individuals behind reprehensible acts, stating, “No sanctuary cities, no sanctuary houses. We will go wherever we need to in order to eradicate child murderers – above and below ground. In Gaza and around the world.”

Highlighting ongoing military operations, the IDF are engaged in a segment of Gaza’s largest hospital, Shifa, aiming to dismantle Hamas’ alleged military infrastructure. Gantz, while addressing this operation, reiterates condemnation of using hospitals as command centers for illicit activities that result in war crimes.

Amid escalating tensions in the northern front with Lebanon, Gantz warned of extending similar operations if necessary, warning that, “What we’re doing effectively in the south can work even better in the north if needed.”

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