After Multiple Unauthorized Protests, Columbia University Finally Shuts Down Palestinian Groups

By Hamodia Staff

Low Steps of the Columbia University Library. (

On Friday, November 10, Columbia University announced that it has suspended two student organizations, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), through the end of the fall semester for violating the university policy regarding demonstrations on campus while ignoring repeated warnings from the college.

“This decision was made after the two groups repeatedly violated University policies related to holding campus events, culminating in an unauthorized event Thursday afternoon that proceeded despite warnings and included threatening rhetoric and intimidation,” Gerald Rosberg, Vice President of the university, said.

“During this especially charged time on our campus, we are strongly committed to giving space to student groups to participate in debate, advocacy, and protest,” Rosberg said. “This relies on community members abiding by the rules and cooperating with University administrators who have a duty to ensure the safety of everyone in our community.”

The university event policy requires groups to apply for permits at least 10 days in advance of any demonstration or protest in order to hold events on school grounds.

The two suspended student groups have led protests calling for a cease-fire in the war on Hamas terrorists in Gaza, including an unauthorized Columbia students walked out from classes on Thursday with a protest on the Low Steps of the Columbia University Library at the Morningside campus.

Both groups have led nationwide protests against the Israeli and U.S. governments, with several explicitly endorsing Hamas and using antisemitic slogans.

Last month, after the barbaric attacks by Hamas terrorists, the SJP chapter at George Washington University projected “Glory to our martyrs” on university buildings and were sanctioned for that by the university. Slogans like “Divestment from Zionist genocide now” and “Free Palestine From the River to the Sea” were used at the demonstrations which are deemed as antisemitic by many.

JVP led multiple protests in the Capitol Building in the last month, including a sit-in at the Cannon House Office Building.

On Thursday, the JVP staged a sit-in at The New York Times’s headquarters, and another at Grand Central Station on Friday.

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