Man Releases Mice Painted in Palestinian Flag Colors Inside U.K. Restaurant

A pro-Palestinian man released three boxes of mice, numbering at around 100, letting them loose on people in a fast-food restaurant in Birmingham, England, on Monday, according to LBC news.

The mice were colored green, red, white and black – the colors of the Palestinian flag, popularized by the terrorist Palestinian Liberation Organization in the 1960s.

The sudden, wild display terrorized customers, as the protestor screamed anti-Israel slogans and expletives, his head covered in a Palestinian flag.

“The action of throwing mice into a restaurant where customers are eating is extremely sickening. It causes distress to both the people present and also the mice themselves, and is both a cruel and dangerous thing to do,” Gary Mond, chairman of the National Jewish Assembly, told the Jerusalem Post.

“However, from a political perspective, it is totally futile. It will do nothing to bring any support to the ‘Free Palestine’ cause, which in any event is based on Jew-hatred as opposed to support for the Arabs who live in Gaza,” he added.

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