Zaka Retrieves Tefillin of Holocaust Victim for a Great Grandson Who Survived Kibbutz Be’eri Massacre

Zaka volunteers returning an heirloom pair of tefillin to a survivor of the massacre at Kibbutz Be’eri.

By Hamodia Staff

Members of the Zaka organization entered Kibbutz Be’eri Wednesday, October 18, to retrieve an old pair tefillin that had been passed down for several generations and return them to a boy who is the surviving member of a family that was slaughtered by Hamas in the Simchas Torah massacre.

The tefillin belonged to the boy’s great grandfather who he was murdered during the Holocaust, and the tefillin were then passed down from generation to generation. The family of the Holocaust victim, including the parents and two daughters, were ruthlessly murdered in the rampage of terrorists from Gaza. Only one boy in the family survived, and he is planning to celebrate his bar mitzvah next week.

The boy requested that Zaka bring the tefillin to him so that he can have them. Zaka volunteers entered Kibutz Be’eri on Wednesday and retrieved the tefillin and returned them to the boy.

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