IDF Gears Up for Aggressive Ground Gaza Operation

Israeli soldiers stand atop an Israeli tank near the border with the Gaza Strip, Sunday. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

The IDF is on the verge of launching an assertive, perhaps even highly aggressive, ground operation in Gaza, unless a surprising and significant shift occurs. This response, according to military sources, is an appropriate reaction to those responsible for the brutal murder of innocent children.

The exact timing and details of this operation will understandably not be disclosed through the media. It will be initiated based on multiple factors, including operational considerations, ongoing population evacuation efforts, humanitarian concerns, the necessity of conducting the operation from the air, and weather conditions.

Within the IDF, the discourse has shifted from the notion of “victory” to a clear need for concluding the conflict in Gaza decisively. The goal is to leave no room for doubt regarding the victor, by means of a ground operation targeting the core of Hamas authority and operational elements in Gaza. Those who committed heinous acts, such as kidnapping and the execution of children, will not be allowed to persist in the Middle East.

While IDF contingency plans are prepared well in advance, they had not anticipated an operation of this magnitude. However, in response to the recent atrocities, the IDF has adapted its operational plans to align with the civilian leadership’s goal: eradicating the threat in the south and fundamentally altering the situation.

The mobilization of over 300,000 reserve soldiers has already begun, despite some voicing concerns about equipment shortages. The IDF acknowledges that deficiencies exist in certain areas, but emphasizes that expectations must be realistic. Not every soldier will have ceramic body armor, which is reserved for those in constant motion, and night vision equipment will not be distributed to all reserve forces.

Though past operations have led to criticism of the IDF’s outdated equipment, the current conflict is seen as existential, with a focus on making the best of what resources are available. It is a sentiment within the IDF leadership that victory in this war hinges not on tanks or planes but on the fighting spirit of the troops and commanders. Some have even expressed their readiness to return with only half a battalion as long as they achieve the desired outcome, as the events of last Shabbos are deemed unacceptable.

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