Shin Bet Thwarts Iranian-Led Plot to Assassinate Itamar Ben-Gvir

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

The Shin Bet has successfully disrupted an Iranian-led terror cell that was planning to execute terror attacks against Israeli citizens and assassinate National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir.

The Shin Bet’s operation resulted in the apprehension of five suspects, three Palestinians and two Israeli citizens, who had been recruited by the Iranian regime with the intent of destabilizing Israel’s security.

Among the arrested suspects, Murad Kamamja and Hassan Mujarima, both Palestinians, were allegedly under the direction of a Jordanian resident working on behalf of Iranian security forces. Their primary responsibilities included smuggling weaponry into Israel and gathering intelligence regarding two potential political assassination targets: Itamar Ben-Gvir and former Likud MK Yehuda Glick.

The activities of these two suspects primarily centered on igniting Israeli vehicles, as reported by the security agency.

The two Israeli citizens who were detained, hailing from northern Israel, were recruited by an operator based in Jenin back in June. They were involved in setting a car ablaze in Haifa while recording the act. The Shin Bet indicated that this incident likely served as a “test run” conducted by Iranian operators to assess the willingness of these Israeli citizens to engage in such attacks.

The Shin Bet has underscored the gravity of involving Israeli citizens in terrorist plots and has taken steps to indict the suspects apprehended by Israeli security forces in recent days.

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