Fire Engulfs Talleisim Factory in Catskills

By Matis Glenn

A three-alarm fire broke out at a talleisim manufacturing plant in Liberty, New York Tuesday afternoon.

Baruch Hashem no injuries were reported as the blaze, which began at around 12:54 p.m., destroyed a factory belonging to Farkas Talleisim, located at 601 Haris Road.

Fire Departments from nearby Woodridge, Rock Hill, Roscoe, Neversink, and Youngsville dispatched units to the scene, carrying tankers full of water to tackle the inferno.

As his factory was burning behind him, the owner of the company, Mr. Meir Duvid Farkas, is seen on video posted to social media calmly and with a smile, saying over a d’var Torah from Harav Nachman of Breslov regarding how one should look at losses and painful experiences.

“When one knows that all things are done by Hashem and are for the best, he lives a life that’s like Olam Haba, because he knows nothing is by mistake,” Mr. Farkas said. “But when one forgets, then his life is like Gehinnom.”

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