Report: Israel Collaborates With U.S. on Saudi Uranium Enrichment Proposal

Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. (Leon Neal/Pool Photo via AP, File)

The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that Israel is actively engaging in confidential discussions with the Biden administration regarding a proposal for uranium enrichment activities in Saudi Arabia. This initiative is being explored as part of a broader potential normalization agreement between Israel and Riyadh, marking a significant behind-the-scenes diplomatic effort.

Unnamed sources from both Israel and the United States have disclosed that Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has instructed Israeli experts in nuclear and security matters to collaborate with American negotiators in crafting a comprehensive plan. This plan, if successful, could pave the way for Saudi Arabia to openly engage in uranium enrichment, a matter of substantial geopolitical significance.

The Wall Street Journal’s insiders have hinted that the establishment of a U.S.-operated uranium enrichment facility within Saudi territory is just one of several concepts currently under consideration. These discussions encompass a multitude of strategic options aimed at fostering cooperation between these nations.

Notably, Israeli officials have emphasized the paramount importance of stringent security measures in relation to any potential uranium enrichment program in Saudi Arabia. This highlights the inherent complexities and sensitivities surrounding such an initiative.

This revelation surfaces amidst growing opposition within Israel concerning concessions, particularly those related to uranium enrichment activities in Saudi Arabia. Critics of this prospective agreement have raised concerns about the purported civilian purposes of such endeavors. The intricacies of this diplomatic endeavor continue to unfold, leaving the global community closely monitoring the evolving landscape of Middle Eastern geopolitics.

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