Israeli Forces Map Homes of Terrorists Linked to Deadly Attack Near Eli

An IDF soldier maps out the home of the terrorists, Tuesday morning. (IDF Spokesman)

Israeli security forces carried out house mapping early Tuesday morning for four residences owned by three terrorists involved in planning and executing a shooting spree at a gas station near the Eli community in the Shomron.

In a tragic incident on June 20, Palestinian terrorists brutally murdered Israelis who were dining at the gas station, as well as at the restaurant pit stop. The victims were Nahman Mordoff, Elisha Anteman, Harel Masood (aged 17-21), and Ofer Fairman (63), Hy”d.

The house-mapping operation is part of preparations for the potential demolition of these residences. During this process, the IDF had to employ crowd dispersal techniques due to local reactions.

In addition to the house mapping, the IDF, along with the Shin Bet internal security agency and Border Police, conducted a series of arrests throughout Yehudah and Shomron. In the Al-Arroub refugee camp, two individuals sought by authorities were apprehended, and another arrest was made in the Azzun village.

While security forces were operating in the village of ad Doha, incidents escalated when suspects hurled stones, Molotov cocktails, and two explosives at the troops. In response, the forces dispersed the demonstrations and fired warning shots into the air. During this altercation, a military vehicle temporarily became stuck, sustaining minor damage before being successfully retrieved. Baruch Hashem, there were no casualties among the Israeli security forces.

In the Balata village, similar disturbances occurred, with suspects throwing stones and two explosives, further emphasizing the complex security situation in the region.

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