Levin: Judiciary Opposes Majority of Israeli Public

Justice Minister Yariv Levin. (Chaim Goldberg/Flash90)

Justice Minister Yariv Levin was interviewed by CBS News on Sunday night regarding the proposed judicial reform in Israel.

When questioned about his support for the reform, Levin explained, “The judicial authority is currently dominated by the elite, and the judiciary often opposes the views of the majority of the Israeli public.”

He further stated, “While I respect the concerns of those who see this reform as potentially harmful, I can assure them that their fears are unfounded. No democracy can function effectively if the elected government is unable to pass legislation due to protests or opposition.”

When asked if his objective was to make the government more powerful than the judiciary, Levin clarified, “That is not my proposal. In Israel, the Supreme Court holds a position above the government, the Knesset, and the will of the people. My aim is to restore balance to the system.”

Levin also addressed claims that he was part of an “extremist” coalition, asserting, “I am proud to be a part of this government. The majority of lawmakers supporting this reform are advocates of democratic and liberal values.”

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