Two People Wounded in Shooting Terror Attack in Huwara

By Matis Glenn

At the scene of the shooting (United Hatzalah)

Two Jewish people were injured when an indeterminate amount of terrorists opened fire on their vehicle in Huwara, Shomron, according to the IDF.

The victims, in their 30’s, were driving on Route 60 at the Bitot Junction in the Huwara area when they were attacked by gunmen driving in a passing vehicle. B’chasdei Hashem, the bullets missed their targets, but the victims suffered head injuries from shards of broken glass that were flung at them from the impact of the shots.

MDA medics and IDF soldiers provided first aid to the victims, who were fully conscious and taken to Linson Hospital in mild condition for treatment.

IDF soldiers set up roadblocks in the area as they continue to pursue the terrorists responsible for the shooting.

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