Mossad Chief: Israel’s Security at Risk If Russia Arms Iran

Mossad Director David Barnea speaks during a conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), in Tel Aviv, on Sunday. (Avshalom Sassoni/Flash90)

In an address at the 22nd World Summit on Counter-Terrorism on Sunday, hosted by the International Institute for Counter-Terrorism at Herzliya’s Reichman University, Mossad Director David Barnea disclosed that his agency had thwarted 27 plots by Iran to target Israelis and Jews across the globe in 2023.

Barnea underscored a concerning surge in attempts to harm Jews and Israelis worldwide, attributing them to what he referred to as the “Terroristic Republic of Iran.” He stressed that these nefarious schemes were not isolated incidents but were meticulously planned and executed by Iran-linked terrorist groups, spanning continents from Europe and Africa to Southeast Asia and South America.

Just two weeks ago, Israel’s National Security Council had issued a travel advisory urging citizens to exercise heightened caution during the upcoming chagim season. The advisory cited an elevated risk of Iranian-sponsored terrorism, not only in neighboring nations but also in faraway destinations like Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and various countries in Africa and Latin America.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant attributed the recent spike in Palestinian terrorism incidents to Iran’s orchestration.

During his address, Barnea presented compelling evidence in the form of a video, asserting that Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei played a direct role in plotting violence against Jews worldwide. He made it clear that the Iranian regime could no longer deny its involvement and was not immune to consequences.

Barnea issued a stern warning, vowing that any harm inflicted on an Israeli or Jew would trigger a retaliatory response directed at both the terrorists dispatched by Iran and the policymakers authorizing these plots, from the foot soldiers to the highest echelons of leadership. He emphasized that this response would reach deep into Iran, striking at the heart of Tehran itself.

Addressing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, Barnea urged the international community to remain vigilant and resolute in thwarting these aspirations. He questioned the sincerity of Iran’s ongoing dialogue with Western nations, suggesting that it primarily aimed to release frozen funds from international sanctions while continuing to advance its nuclear capabilities.

Barnea remained cryptic about the methods used but assured that Israel was actively countering Iran’s nuclear program, emphasizing that they were not passively standing by.

He also touched upon Iran’s growing ties with Russia, revealing that Tehran had attempted to sell Moscow both short- and long-range missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles for its invasion of Ukraine. Israel had successfully disrupted this particular arms deal. Barnea expressed concern that Russia might, in turn, supply advanced weaponry to Iran, thereby posing a significant threat to Israel.

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