Undercover Operation in Eastern Yerushalayim Leads to Arrest of Stone-Throwing Rioters

Some of the police officers, dressed in chareidi attire, near the arrested Arabs, Thursday. (Police Spokesman)

An operation conducted by officers from the Shalem police station in Yerushalayim Thursday resulted in the arrest of Arab rioters who had been throwing stones at Israeli vehicles. To carry out the mission effectively, law enforcement officers used a police minibus that was modified to resemble a civilian vehicle. In addition, police detectives disguised themselves in chareidi attire for the operation, while security for the team was provided by officers from the Yerushalayim district police and the Border Police.

The operation began with a briefing at the Shalem station, after which the operational team entered the streets of the Issawiya neighborhood in eastern Yerushalayim. Upon their arrival, they were spotted by a group of young men standing by the roadside. Moments after the disguised vehicle passed by, the individuals hurled stones at it. This signaled the concealed and uniformed police forces inside the vehicle to take action.

The undercover detectives, along with the uniformed teams, quickly disembarked from the vehicle, which had been targeted by the stone-throwers. After a foot chase, the suspects, aged 14 and 16 and residents of eastern Yerushalayim, were apprehended and subsequently taken in for questioning at the Shalem station.

Dvir Tamim, the commander of the Shalem station who led the operation, stated, “We conducted another proactive and innovative operation yesterday in response to incidents where stones were thrown at passing vehicles, causing property damage. In line with the district commander’s policy, we continue to proactively address the dangers posed by violent rioters attempting to harm road users.”

Tamim emphasized the severity of the suspects’ actions, which could easily lead to harm to human life, and emphasized the determination of the police to locate and apprehend individuals involved in such serious offenses. He reiterated the commitment to employing creative and resolute methods to apprehend those responsible for stone-throwing incidents targeting civilians.

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