Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad Member Arrested in Raids Near Ramallah

IDF troops seen during a raid in Yehudah and Shomron. (IDF Spokesman)

Early Thursday morning, Israeli forces conducted a raid in a refugee camp near Ramallah, resulting in the arrest of a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group, Saeed Nakhleh. Palestinian media reports suggest that Nakhleh was serving as the leader of Islamic Jihad in the Jalazone refugee camp.

The IDF confirmed the operation, stating that two wanted Palestinians were detained during the raid in Ramallah and Jalazone, with one of them being described as “a senior operative belonging to the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.”

The Gaza Strip-based Islamic Jihad has not yet issued a statement regarding the arrest. However, over the past year, the group has responded to the killing or apprehension of its members in Yehudah and Shomron by launching rocket attacks on Israel.

During the operations in Jalazone and Ramallah, the IDF also seized military equipment and ammunition. Palestinian rioters clashed with the Israeli troops, throwing stones, Molotov cocktails, and an explosive device. In response, the IDF employed crowd dispersal measures.

Additionally, in a separate operation in the Dheisheh refugee camp near Beit Lechem, Israeli forces detained three individuals wanted by authorities. During this operation, Palestinians threw explosive devices, stones and Molotov cocktails at Israeli forces, resulting in the injury of one Border Police officer. The injured officer was transported to a hospital and is reported to be in good condition.

In total, 18 wanted Palestinians were apprehended during the overnight raids across Yehudah and Shomron. They have been transferred to the Shin Bet for further questioning.

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