Pipeline Leaks on Southern Iran’s Coast

Dubai (Reuters) —
Yellow sulphur, a byproduct of petrochemical refinement, contrasts with the blue sea at Kharg Island, Iran. (AP Photo/Horst Faas)

An oil leak has hit a transmission pipeline linking Iran’s Kharg Island to the country’s mainland port of Genaveh, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported on Sunday, without specifying the magnitude of the spill.

“To prevent oil leakage on the seabed from the pipelines, diving teams have been dispatched,” an official from Bushehr province said, adding that two vessels had been sent to Kharg and Genaveh’s coasts to help with the clean-up.

Kharg island, located 25 kilometers off the Gulf coast of Iran, hosts an oil terminal from which a large part of the country’s oil exports are shipped.

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