BD”E: Harav Aharon Mordechai Rutner, Zt”l


Harav Aharon Mordechai Rutner, zt”l. (Shuki Lehrer)

The Chassidic world was plunged into mourning late Monday night, with the petirah of noted mekubal and one of the ziknei tzaddikei hador, Harav Aharon Mordechai Rutner, zt”l. He was 95 at his petirah.

In his final days, Harav Rutner’s health declined, and late on Monday night his soul returned to its Creator. During his last hours, his home was filled with throngs of people who had come to bid farewell to this venerable tzaddik.

The levayah will depart at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday from his residence. It will proceed to the Belzer beis medrash in Kiryas Belz, en route to Har Hamenuchos where he will be laid to rest near his Rebbe, Harav Aharon of Belz, zy”a.

A glimpse into his life reveals a remarkable journey. Born in the month of Elul in 5687/1927 to his father, Harav Nachman Rutner, zt”l, and his mother, Mrs. Chana, a”h, daughter of Harav Meir Weiss, Dayan in Tetsh.

From an early age, Harav Aharon Mordechai displayed greatness in his learning. Even at the young age of nine, he impressed others with his prodigious memory when he passed an oral examination on Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah.

During the Holocaust, Harav Rutner’s extraordinary memory was widely recognized. He taught individuals many years his senior entire chapters of Mishnah and complete masechtos by heart. In the month of Tishrei, he astounded everyone by writing out the entire Machzor from memory for the ba’al tefillah.

During World War II, he was expelled to concentration camps, including Auschwitz.

After immigrating to Eretz Yisrael, he learned under Harav Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky, zy”a, where he was one of his select talmidim.

As a bachur, he served as a meshamesh for the Belzer Rebbe, Harav Aharon, zy”a. Since then, he became attached to the court of Belz, both under Harav Aharon, and later under his nephew, the Belzer Rebbe, shlita.

In 5713/1953, he married his wife, Rebbetzin Chaya, a”h, the daughter of Harav Yosef Meir Kahana, zy”a, the Spinka Yerushalayim Rebbe. She passed away on the second day of Rosh Hashanah 5767/2006.

He was one of the founders of the Talmud Torah Machazikei HaDas of Belz in Geulah, where many students benefited from his tutelage over the years.

Harav Aharon Mordechai also served as one of the Roshei Yeshivah of the Sha’ar Hashamayim Yeshivah of Mekubalim in Yerushalayim. He also served as a Mashpia in Yeshivas Tchebin in Yerushalayim.

On Shabbasos, many bachurim used to come to him to partake in the Shabbos meals and witness his unique conduct and avodas Hashem. The meals lasted many hours, during which they studied many passages from various Chassidic sefarim.

He left behind a blessed and upright generation, including his sons, Rav David Nachman, Rav Moshe, Rav Yitzchak, Rav Baruch Tzvi Rotner, the Rebbe of Beis Yosef-Spinka in the Heftziba neighborhood of Beit Shemesh. His sons-in-law are the Charnobyl Rebbe of Ashdod, the Spinka Rebbe in Williamsburg, the Toltchover Rebbe, the Razla Rebbe in Beitar Illit, and Rav Moshe Eliezer Moskovits, the son of the Melitzer Rebbe of Ashdod.

One of his daughters passed away at a young age due to choking while eating fish during a Shabbos meal.

He leaves behind a rich legacy of Torah and Chassidus. His passing is mourned by countless individuals whose lives he touched with his teachings and exemplary character.

Yehi zichro baruch.

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