Report: Mayor’s Dubious Dealings Benefit Son of Avigdor Liberman

Yisrael Beytenu Party chairman MK Avigdor Liberman speaks during a faction meeting at the Knesset. (Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90)

The municipality of Ma’alot Tarshiha has found itself embroiled in a scandalous controversy involving a suspicious debt disappearance, favoritism, and nepotism. It appears that the son of MK Avigdor Liberman, the chairman of Yisrael Beyteinu, was granted a lucrative position as the director of a company controlling a local mall just as the municipality conveniently changed its tune regarding the outstanding debts owed by the mall. These revelations raise serious questions about the integrity and ethics of the mayor, who has had a long-standing relationship with Lieberman.

According to a report from Channel 12, the close ties between Arkadi Pomerantz and Avigdor Liberman span several decades. Both individuals left Likud together, with Pomerantz actively assisting Lieberman in establishing the Yisrael Beiteinu Party. Pomerantz even secured a place on the party’s Knesset list in 2009 and 2015. In a surprising turn of events, Pomerantz ran for mayor under the party’s banner five years ago and defeated Shlomo Buhbut, the city’s longstanding mayor of 42 years.

Soon after assuming office, Pomerantz learned about significant debts owed to the municipality by major real estate and commercial projects in the city. He claimed to desire change and progress for the city, which led him to hire an external company to conduct an in-depth examination. However, suspicions arise as this company was owned by a researcher known to Pomerantz and was selected without proper due process, allegedly due to their supposed “rich experience.”

The examination quickly uncovered staggering debts totaling NIS 14 million owed by Tsim Urban, a prominent mall owned by multimillionaire businessman Rani Tsim. Intense negotiations ensued between the municipality and the mall, with the former demanding full payment of the debt. Disturbingly, threats were made to investigate building violations if the debts were not settled. The city’s legal advisor even stated that there were substantial flaws in the company’s conduct. These strong-arm tactics were allegedly employed to force the mall into compliance.

However, in a sudden twist, all claims and demands by the municipality were withdrawn, and the debts miraculously vanished. The municipality’s legal advisor reversed her previous stance, stating that there was no evidence of any debt owed by Tsim Urban Mall. This suspicious turn of events has prompted the examining company to file a lawsuit against the municipality.

Despite these revelations, the municipality of Ma’alot Tarshiha vehemently denies any wrongdoing and dismisses these accusations as part of an election campaign and pending legal case. Rani Tsim’s company also vehemently denies any connection between Amos Lieberman’s appointment as director and the municipality’s financial demands, emphasizing that the municipality struggled to substantiate their claims.

Amos Liberman himself downplays any personal connection to the mayor, stating that he has never met him alone or approached him on any business matter. Avigdor Liberman distances himself from the entire affair, stating that he was unaware of his son’s appointment until six months after it happened and denies involvement in any attempts to waive payments owed by Tsim Urban Mall.

These revelations cast a shadow of doubt over the mayor’s actions and raise serious concerns about corruption, nepotism, and unethical practices within the municipality of Ma’alot Tarshiha. The alleged preferential treatment and manipulation of debts for personal gain are deeply troubling and warrant a thorough investigation to ensure transparency, accountability, and justice.

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