Israeli Forces Destroy Home of Yerushalayim Bombings Terrorist


An explosion is seen as the IDF demolishes the home of a Palestinian terrorist, in Ramallah, Thursday morning. (REUTERS/Mohammed Torokman)

Israeli forces overnight Wednesday demolished the Ramallah home of the terrorist responsible for two deadly bus stop bombings in Yerushalayim last November.

“The IDF and the Special Forces destroyed the house of the terrorist Eslam Froukh tonight [Thursday] in the city of Ramallah. The terrorist carried out an attack on Nov. 23, 2022, during which he set off explosives in two locations in Yerushalayim,” the IDF spokesperson said in a statement.

Violent clashes erupted as the Israeli forces entered the town. Videos circulating online show Palestinians throwing stones at IDF vehicles.

“During the activity, violent disturbances developed in several locations, during which suspects threw stones, Molotov cocktails and explosives at the forces. The IDF force responded with measures to disperse demonstrations and live-fire injuries were detected,” the IDF said.

At least six Palestinians were wounded in clashes, according to local media. There were no casualties on the Israeli side, baruch Hashem.

Eslam Froukh, 26, was behind the two bombings at Yerushalayim bus stops in which two people were killed, Hy”d, and over 20 wounded, five of them seriously. Froukh was arrested several days after the attack in the ensuing manhunt. Froukh was identified as being affiliated with the Islamic State terror group.

Froukh is a resident of East Yerushalayim’s Kafr Aqab but lived most of the time in Ramallah. He was charged in December and the IDF mapped out his houses both in Kafr Aqab and in Ramallah in January. The house was destroyed after a petition submitted to the High Court against the procedure was rejected.

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