Netanyahu Pays Shivah Call to Dee Family in Efrat


Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu speaks with Rabbi Leo Dee, at the shivah in the Dee’s home in Efrat, Sunday. (Gershon Elinson/FLASH90)

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu paid a shivah visit to the bereaved Dee family at their home in Efrat on Sunday, after the murder of sisters Maia and Rina and their mother Lucy, Hy”d, in a terror shooting attack during Chol Hamoed Pesach.

British immigrant Rabbi Leo Dee told Netanyahu that “I don’t regret coming to Israel one moment,” adding that his late wife “would say the same thing.”

“Now your wife and daughters will live on through you,” Netanyahu told Dee.

Dee told Netanyahu that someone visiting the shivah house had told him that they “can’t imagine what it’s like to lose half your family.”

Dee said he responded: “Wait, it’s not half my family, we were seven and now it’s four,” stressing that his family is still strong.

“We’re here, we’re going to move forward, we’ll remember them forever, but we’re resolute,” Dee added.

Dee’s daughter, Tali, asked Netanyahu how he dealt with losing his brother Yonatan in the famous Entebbe raid in 1976.

Netanyahu explained that at first, the pain was immense, and though people told him it would pass, he didn’t believe them.

“But they were right,” he said, adding that “the pain you are feeling now will remain for your entire lives, but the intensity will die down.”

Dee told Netanyahu that his family would learn to move forward: “We’ll remember them forever, but we’re resolute.”

Joining Netanyahu at the shivah call were his chief of staff Tzachi Braverman, Military Secretary Brig. Gen. Avi Gil, and Cabinet Secretary Yossi Fuchs.

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