Gallant Calls for a Halt in Judicial Reform


Defense Minister Yoav Gallant (L) speaks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu during a vote in the assembly hall of the Knesset. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90)

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Motzoei Shabbos made a dramatic declaration calling on Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to halt the judicial reforms to more deeply engage in negotiations to reach a compromise.

Gallant said, “The breach within the nation has penetrated deep into the IDF and the defense establishment – this is a clear and major threat to the security of Israel … I will not allow this.”

He also called on the opposition to stop IDF reservist strikes and protests against the government during any new negotiations.

Gallant said, “I have risked and will risk my life,” for Israel, but “the dangers around us are large. Iran is close to nuclear military capability than ever. The Palestinian arena is also burning.”

“The IDF is a great army … along with the partner security forces,” but that due to fights over the judicial overhaul, in recent weeks, “Something fell apart,” he said.

Gallant explained, “I hear the voices from the [IDF] field and I am worried. What is happening to Israeli society does not pass over IDF. I see the strength of our forces being weakened.”

He said he is committed to the Likud’s values, “but Israel is above everything.”

He noted that “we do need a change in the judiciary. The balance between the branches needs a new balance, which will strengthen public faith. But massive changes must be done with dialogue.”

This past Thursday, Gallant had been expected to make a declaration against the judicial reform but canceled the speech after a meeting with Netanyahu.

However, it appears that Gallant saw that Netanyahu’s speech did not calm the country’s temperament and fix the growing trend of IDF reservists threatening to strike and not show up for their training.

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