MK Kariv Brings Sefer Torah Into Ezras Nashim at Kosel

Harav Shlomo Moshe Amar, Sephardic Chief Rabbi of Yerushalayim, lights the menorah at the Kosel.

MK Gilad Kariv (Labor) helped the Women of the Wall, provocateurs group on Sunday morning, Rosh Chodesh Teves, to bring a sefer Torah scroll into the women’s section of the Kosel plaza, contrary to the established procedures at the Kosel.

A small group of about 20 women came to the Kosel in order to create a provocation at the Kosel Plaza. MK Kariv, taking advantage of his immunity, brought in a sefer Torah in opposition to the explicit position of the Ministry of Justice and the regulations of the Kosel Plaza.

The ushers turned to him and requested that he leave the women’s section, but he did not comply and for the first time, MK Kariv took advantage of his immunity to enter the women’s section of the Kosel Plaza. He stayed there for a long while creating a provocation.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation faced this very challenging situation making every effort to allow Rosh Chodesh tefillos to continue unabated and did everything it could to calm the situation and prevent physical altercations at the site.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation calls upon everyone, yet again, to remove disputes and demonstrations from the Kosel Plaza and leave it as a sacred and unifying site.

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