Gaza Rocket Sets Off Sirens in Southern Israel

By Hamodia Staff

YERUSHALAYIM – A rocket was fired into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip on Thursday night, triggering air raid sirens

The IDF said that its Aerial Defense Array launched an interceptor, which apparently downed the projectile.

Sirens sounded in Nirim, Ein HaShlosha and Kissufim, near the border with Gaza.

There were no reports of casualties or damage to property.

An hour later three more rockets were launched, but fell short inside the Strip, the military said.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility by any of the Gaza-based terror groups. However, the attacks came hours after a member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group was killed during an IDF operation in Jenin.

In a joint statement, the IDF and Border Police said the slain Palestinian, Farouk Salameh, was involved in the killing of a veteran police commando earlier this year, and had been planning further attacks.

The IDF said that its Aerial Defense Array launched an interceptor, which apparently downed the projectile.

Sirens sounded in Nirim, Ein HaShlosha and Kissufim, near the border with Gaza. There were no reports of casualties or damage to property

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