Chassan in Serious Condition After Fall at Wedding in Modi’in


A chassan was left in serious condition, and was fighting for his life Monday, after he fell while dancing on top of a table at his own wedding in Modi’in.

The 34-year-old man was hospitalized in Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan.

Friends and relatives celebrating the wedding apparently lifted the chassan onto the table, then lifted the table up – with him on top.

At one point, however, the chassan slipped and fell from the table, seriously injuring his head.

Emergency first responders were called to the scene, treating the groom and evacuating him to the hospital.

“When we arrived at the wedding hall, we saw a 34-year-old man lying on the floor, partially conscious, with head injuries,” said MDA paramedic Itay Peretz.

“Those present told us that he had fallen from about three meters, and we provided him with rapid medical care on the scene, then evacuated him quickly to the hospital while his status was serious but stable.”

Dr. Zion Zibli, director of the neurosurgery department at Sheba, reported on the chassan‘s condition Monday: “He is ventilated and being treated in the Intensive Care Unit. The medical team is fighting for his life.”

All are asked to daven for the complete refuah of Itay ben Ahuvah. The chassan had learned in Yeshivas Halichos Shlomo in Tel Aviv, which is led by Harav Mordechai Auerbach, the son of Hagaon Harav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, zt”l.

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